1. That we carry a Harvest Shelves that…
· That holds only pantry cans? Harvest 78” Pantry Can ID number 15168 $275.00 Has 5 medium rollers. Only available through a consultant.
· That can be made into a table? That Harvest 39 and the Harvest 39 #10 are only 39 inches tall. A counter top or table top can easily be affixed to the top of them to use as a work surface. At the New Shelf Reliance building they have a couple of them set up this was and it is super cool.
· That fits under your bed? There are actually two one that hold only number 10 cans and one that holds small and medium cans.
· That holds 6 small rows? I find that a lot of people really like this shelf, but it is relatively unknown.
· That fits under your bed? There are actually two one that hold only number 10 cans and one that holds small and medium cans.
· That holds 6 small rows? I find that a lot of people really like this shelf, but it is relatively unknown.
2. We offer a Food Rotation System Planner? It works for both existing shelving and free standing systems. This is a great thing to pass on to customers or if you’re not sure what shelf to recommend to a customer use this to figure it out.
3. Replacement or Upgrade parts are available. Many times I have customers tell me that they want to take out the number 10 can rollers on their Harvest 72 and replace it with small rollers. What-ever they want to do we can make happen. Check out the accessories section of the price list.
4. We have some AWESOME Add-ons. When ever anyone buys a shelf I tell them about 2 products. Almost always they buy them. Which is great because it is a bigger sale for you and a better product for them.
· Front shelves 4 pack Id number 15884 $42.24